Heart Opening Cacao Elixir

Cacao is a plant that has been woven into various cultural traditions for thousands of years. It has been used in indigenous ritual and ceremony with research showing evidence of the Mayan culture using cacao as far back as 600 BC. It’s botanical name, Theobroma translates to ‘food of the Gods.’ The plant itself has many magical properties and boasts health benefits. From an Ayurvedic perspective, it is considered an aphrodisiac, inviting greater sensuality and desire. It is said to elevate mood, lift depression, open the heart and stimulate brain activity. Medicinally it is believed to play a role in fertility, improved circulation of major vessels around the heart and support the vagus nerve.

Health benefits include:

  • a superfood abundant with antioxidants, phytochemicals, nutrients and healthy fats

  • provides magnesium

  • iron source

  • increases focus and enhances memory

  • contains the ‘bliss molecule’ anandamide, which promotes heightened sensitivity and feelings of Euphoria

  • contains the ‘love molecule’ phenylethylamine which increases endorphins and encourages connection

Sources of benefits include: Banyan Botanicals, Joyful Belly, Im’Lakesh Organics

This particular recipe is one often make for rituals and retreats. It’s evolved over the years and each time there’s a bit of a folk medicine element - each batch made to taste with it’s own intention and flavor. You can make this for a little dose of self-love, to share with a partner or friends, or to weave into your own intentional space.


  • Organic Raw Cacao Powder (I like the brand Im’Lakesh Organics and find it at Sprouts)

  • Full Fat Organic Coconut Milk 

  • Organic Coconut oil

  • Cinnamon 

  • Vanilla Extract

  • Cardamom 

  • Sweetener of choice: Maple Syrup or Honey

  • Optional: Cayenne 

  • Optional: water to dilute

How to make it

Serves 2-4

Let me preface this by saying this recipe is very folk in spirit and style. Follow your intuition, your own taste palette :) Before you begin, invite the optional space for imbuing your cacao elixir with intention.

  1. In a small pot, warm 1 can of coconut milk on low to medium setting

  2. Slowly stir in raw cacao (2 tablespoons per person)

  3. Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract

  4. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil (Ayurveda calls ‘oil’ and ‘love’ the same Sanskrit word: ‘sneha’

  5. Continue to stir cacao until it is at a desired consistency. For those who prefer a less rich / more liquid base, add some water. Remove from heat.

  6. Add a pinch of cardamom and cayenne.

  7. Add your desired amount of sweetener. If using honey, make sure your elixir isn’t too hot.

  8. Enjoy!


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