How to Manage Energy + Create Healthy Boundaries with Technology + Social Media

Creating boundaries is one of the most powerful ways to reclaim your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

In our modern society, overstimulation is a growing problem and for many it can even verge on addiction. Sensory overload impairs our body’s ability to process and digest what we take in through our senses. Research also explains that when we are on sensory overload, the excess dopamine can our physiological functioning less receptive to the natural flow of hormones in the body - which in turn effects mood, energy, sleep, vitality and more.

You can start by asking yourself a few simple questions…

How am I managing my physical and emotional energy? Am I being wise about where I direct my attention? Is my attention scattered or focused? Am I partaking it activities, conversations and actions that deplete me or energize me? When it comes to technology and social media, this is an arena where noticing consumption habits and instilling boundaries can be both challenging yet extremely beneficial.
Here are a few practice to help you refine how you use your energy and balance your relationship with technology.

  1. Within the first hour of awakening, do not check e-mail or social media. No need to set anxiety as the tone of the day or fall into the urgency of replying.

  2. Do not use tech use during meals. Don’t even tempt yourself with your phone on the table. This is a big one for many of my Ayurveda clients. We want our Prana or Life Force going towards digesting our meals and not our social medias or the last TV episode.⁠

  3. Use Airplane mode to mitigate distractions. This is especially helpful if much of your work is at a computer. It’s a proven fact that multi-tasking is inefficient. When we have constant notifications interrupting our tasks, our focus gets fragmented and we become less efficient. When we are less efficient, we exert more effort and energy to get our work done.

  4. Turn off push notifications from social media channels and e-mails. If you are up for a healthy challenge, perhaps even delete the apps off your phone. If you prefer not to turn these off, then at least silence your phone and place it face down so you can be fully present in whatever you are doing rather than succumbing to interruptions.

  5. Honor the present moment and do not immediately respond to text messages or direct messages until you have carved out the time to intentionally reply.⁠

  6. Limit usage time. This can look like a self-imposed time limit or you can look into your phone settings to create usage limits for specific apps. Your phone will alert you when you’ve reached your quota of allotted time on a specific app that day.

  7. No tech or screen use within two hours before bed.⁠ Not only does the light from screen time disrupt our body’s sleep cycles, but the added mental stimulation before bed will keep the mind churning rather than slowing down and preparing to sleep. In Ayurveda, sleep is considered one the the three pillars of life. The quality of our sleep is vital to the repair and health of our bodies.

  8. Digital Detox or Social Media Sabbath! Yes! Choose a tech or social media free day each week. Get lost in the backcountry. Make art. Dance. Connect with others - friends, animals, plants, trees - a good book.

A gentle reminder, no need to do all of these. Simply trying ONE of the above practices. Notice the effect on your mood and energy level. Set a realistic goal, and try it for one week. Maybe add a second practice, the following week and so forth.

If you are interested in learning more about managing your life force, creating healthy habits and behaviors or holistic wellness feel free to inquire about 1:1 Ayurvedic Counseling.


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