A delicious delight when your body and heart need warm, grounding nourishment. Stewed apples are easy to digest and grounding, especially for Vata imbalances are in the colder Autumn and Winter months.


Serves: 1-2

Time: 5 minute preparation | 15-20 minute cook


  • 2 medium apples, any variety

  • 3 tablespoons of water

  • 1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • Pinch of cardamom powder

  • Pinch of clove powder

  • Optional: 1 tablespoons of ghee

Optional top with:

  • Chopped nuts of your choice

  • Sprinkle of coconut flakes

  • Or place this compote on top of the coconut cardamom rice pudding


  1. Chop an apple into bite-size pieces. You can leave the skin on but remove the core.

  2. In a small saucepan mix spices into 3 tablesoons of water.

  3. Add apples to a saucepan, mix well, and cover with the lid.

  4. Simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes, or until tender.

  5. Let them cool, pour em into a bowl or top them on some coconut cardamom pudding and enjoy!

Modify for your Dosha

Vata: Spice it up with some extra ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves to warm the digestion. Enjoy a gracious dollop of ghee. Add some nuts for energy: almonds, cashews, coconut, macademia and walnuts are all aligned with Vata. Pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds can be added too.

Pitta: An extra pinch of cardamom and top it off with coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

Kapha: Spice it up with some extra ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves to warm the digestion. Go light on the ghee. Skip the nut toppings or go light.




Ayurvedic Gatorade


Slow Cooked Coconut Cardamom Rice Pudding