Gluten Free, Vegan, Main Dish, Salad Gabriela Colletta Gluten Free, Vegan, Main Dish, Salad Gabriela Colletta

Seared Tofu Ginger Sesame Salad

A salad that serves up a happy gut, this includes variety of plant-based goodness stacked in one dish! When the microbes in our gut are fed plants, fiber, prebiotics and more, they work in collaboration with our bodies to support more resilient immune system, production of anti-inflammation compounds, and metabolize neurochemicals that boost serotonin (happy hormones)!


Seared Tofu Ginger Sesame Salad

I love this dish for the variety of plant-based goodness in one dish! Diet diversity isn’t always easy, yet research shows the growing importance of incorporating more diverse nutrient supply to support gut microbiota. When the microbes in our gut are fed plants, fiber, prebiotics and more, they work in collaboration with our bodies to support more resilient immune system, production of anti-inflammation compounds, and metabolize neurochemicals that boost serotonin (happy hormones). So this summer salad is stacked with so many plants to support gut health! It’s a cooling salad with a dressing that will kindle the digestive fire. Easy to modify and make your own.

Serves: 2-3

Time: 10 Minutes Prep | 7 Minutes Cook

Kitchen Tools: Skillet + salad bowl

Ingredients for salad

  • Choice of greens: recommendation includes spinach, dino kale and wasabi microgreens. Slice your greens in thin strips

  • 1/4 purple cabbage shredded

  • 1/4 green cabbage shredded

  • 2 medium carrots peeled or thinly sliced

  • 3-4 brussel sprouts thinly sliced

  • Handful of cilantro

  • 1 tablespoon of black sesame seeds

  • Extra firm organic tofu

  • Soy sauce

  • Avocado

Ingredients for dressing

  • 1-2 tablespoons of grated ginger

  • 1 teaspoon of tamari

  • Juice from 1/2 squeezed lime

  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil

  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar

  • Drizzle of fish sauce


  1. Turn the skillet on to cook the tofu. If you have a cast iron, that’s recommended. Let it get hot.

  2. While the skillet is heating, cut the tofu into large rectangles. Dab it on a paper towel or napkin to soak up the moisture.

  3. Add 1-2 tablespoons of a high heat cooking oil (avocado or coconut) to the skillet. Then add the sliced tofu. Cook on medium to high heat for 4-6 minutes or until that side gets crispy. Drizzle soy sauce on the opposite side of the tofu. Flip to the other side and cook for 4-6 minutes or to preferred crisp. Drizzle soy on top. Remove the tofu and let it cool. Slice it into cubes when ready to top on salad.

  4. In a salad bowl, add your desired greens, shredded red cabbage, regular cabbage, carrots.

  5. Make the sauce:

    • Step 1: Grate the ginger

    • Step 2: In a small mixing bowl or mug, combine grated ginger, 1-2 tablespoons of avocado oil, 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar, lime juice from 1/2 a lime, 1 teaspoon of Tamari or soy sauce, and a drizzle of fish sauce. Modify quantity of ingredients to adapt to your desired taste.

  6. Add tofu and sliced avocado to the top of your salad bowl. Drizzle dressing all over salad, sprinkle black sesame seeds to finish.

Modify for your Dosha

Vata: Make it a warm salad! Lightly sauté the cabbage, carrots, and brussel sprouts. Use a generous amount of avocado oil as oils tend to help ground and nourish Vata imbalances. If cooking spinach, add it last. Add a teaspoon of organic honey to the dressing mix to add the sweet taste.

Pitta: Be prudent with the quantity of ginger - too much of this can aggravate the fire element and elevate Pitta. Go wild with cilantro and lime, both cooling for Pitta.

Kapha: Add some jalapeño to the dressing for little kick. Ramp up ginger to stoke the digestive fire. This is a nice light, yet filling meal that will nourish Kapha.

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