Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | So Ham I am That - Embodying Everything

35 Min • In moments of self-doubt, comparison, or feelings of lack, we can get stuck in our small self. This is a practice of remembering one’s unbridled and limitless essence, in reclaiming our Self through the mantra of So Ham., which translates to “I am that,” reminding us that we are the Universe in all its infinite and unconditional wonder. Expect hips, heart, working towards chapasana with a surprise arm balance!

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Open to Gratitude

35 Min • It's a simple equation, gratitude creates abundance. Can we cultivate the gratitude muscle, continuing to discover the wealth of each unraveling moment? When we are in a state of gratitude we are open to deeper connection, relationship, empowered choice of where we want to place our attention. The forearm balance pincha mayurasana requires deliberate heart opening and can energetically connect us to a place of gratitude.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Awaken Morning Rasa

30 Min • An invitation to set the tone of the day with the juicy fullness of being in one's body. Through luxurious breaths and generous attention, we invite what yoga and Ayurveda refer to as "rasa" or the juice and essence of practice. Savor the slow movement working towards dancer pose; in embodying rasa we invite fluidity of expression in the body.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Integration & Rooting into Self

40 Min • An invitation to return to what Ayurveda and Yoga call “Svastha” or seated in oneself as perfect health. When you are feeling fragmented, anxious, and ungrounded, these deep hip opening asanas will help return you to your roots. Join on the mat to integrate mind and body, welcome all parts of you into the present and reclaim to your whole self. Peak pose: Eagle Garudasana.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Completion in Each Moment

50 Min • The rhythm of society, and it’s achievement oriented ethos can make it easy to sink into mindless grasping, to tightly bound expectations, a dry well of ways to improve, to better, to achieve…this orchestra of over-effort is something like trying to catch the wind. Can release striving to get into a specific pose, and recognize what is complete moment.? Enjoy hip and deep twisting as we work towards the peak arm balance of Dragonfly Pose.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Ease of Becoming

75 Min • In a culture of constant movement, can we find presence in the fluidity of transition. This practice is designed to create more ease in the changes we endure. Can we learn to lean into transition - allow it rather than resist it? Can we open to its unfolding grace? Can we let ourselves be in process, in the presence of becoming? Enjoy hip, heart and shoulder opening in a continuous, mandala flow. Includes detoxifying twists, side bends and hamstring love as we work towards the peak pose of Bird of Paradise.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Eye of the Storm

60 Min • This practice is designed to invoke centering amidst the metaphoric storms of life. Conjure calm and anchor into one’s sources of grounding and stability through deep hip opening. We use breath, mindfulness and metaphor throughout to harness attention, awareness and Prana to strengthen ability to tap into the present. Expect deep hip opening with an element of surprise. Mandala movement. Working towards an optional arm balance of Eka Pada Galavasana or Flying Pigeon.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Creating Spacious Presence

60 Min • Rather than trying to catch the wind, we learn through awareness and attention to be space as it is - to “be the sky and let everything else be the weather” - as Buddhist teacher Pema Chödron says. Hip and heart opening…working up to Kapinjalasana or Partridge Pose. This is the practice of strengthening presence, and in turn tapping into the spaciousness of being.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Restorative Yin | Rest is Revolutionary

35 Min • In Ayurveda, sleep is considered one of the three pillars of life. It is the force of integration, renewal and rejuvenation. Grind culture and championed productivity is the thief of deep rest. To truly drop into a state of rest is a form of resistance to our conditioned nature of capitalism and constant doing. Rest is a radical act of love. Enjoy rest through deep hip opening.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Rise within Fire

45 Min • In this practice we move in a mandala, exploring a multi-directional, circular flow as a means of stepping into the unexpected. When one is faced with nuance, with navigating grey space, or sitting in uncertainty, discomfort and tension arise. The invitation of this practice is when discomfort or challenge occurs, how do you rise to meet each moment? Enjoy twists, hip openers and an optional side crow arm balance.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Restorative Yin | Boundaries as the scaffolding of self-care

40 Min • In Yoga and Ayurveda, boundaries can be understood as an expression of Earth element. Boundaries are the stabilizing and grounding force that enables us to manage our energy wisely. Nedra Tawwab writes “boundaries will set you free.” In this yin practice we will use the wall as a metaphor for leaning into the power of boundaries as a way to explore the structures to safeguard our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Poses include deep hip opening and heart opening.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Restorative Yin | Leaning into Non-Resistance

45 Min • There is a saying in yoga “what we resist, persists.” It is in psychological biology to resist - everything from change, from the status quo, from how things were. When we let things be and open to acceptance of what is, we come into inner alignment with the present moment. This is a practice of hip & heart opening poses to cultivate non-resistance.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Surrender into Not Doing

45 Min • Enjoy a slow mindful vinyasa practice to release the tendencies of over-exertion, constant doing and control. Invite the medicine of receptivity, allowing and simply trusting that in the 'not-doing' so much is achieved. Physical focus is on hips.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Dancing with Chaos

55 Min • What if we could meet life as it is? What does it mean to synchronize with the rhythms of Nature? To fall into the flow of constant change, creation preservation and destruction, the organized chaos that is inherent to the world around us. This is a mandala flow designed to summon presence, release anticipation and drop into complete being.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Recognizing Enough

45 Min • This heart opening vinyasa practice is focused on cultivating what the yogi’s call “Santosha” or contentment. Through gratitude, we rediscover the fullness of each given moment and shift our emphasis from blind ambition to present acceptance.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Myth of Balance

60 Min • Balance is not a static state of being; it requires attention, tending and a subtle dynamic effort to tap into one’s stability. Challenge your concept of balance with a playful yet grounded flow. Practice focuses on arm balancing, core, standing balance poses and hips.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Balancing Kapha Dosha

33 Min • Enjoy a short vinyasa practice to leave you feeling inspired and invigorated. This practice is designed to combat Kapha imbalances such as lethargy, stagnancy, sluggishness, depression and and heaviness. It is a heating practice intended to break out of old patterns and welcome spontaneity.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Awakening Ahimsa

22 Min • Enjoy sweet short sequence of heart opening, designed to reset and reawaken your body. Particularly delicious if you’ve been sitting at a desk for many hours or on a long drive, this series explores opening the chest and shoulders, hip flexors and psoas through lunges, dancer, and reclined half hero pose.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Pacifying Pitta Dosha

49 Min • Enjoy a cooling practice to pacify Pitta Dosha. This sequence is great for the warm summer months, or if you are feeling fiery in your emotions such as anger, irritation, frustration, resentment. Ground with hip opening, reconnect with compassion and kindness through heart opening poses.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Cultivating Tapas

31 Min • Vinyasa flow to cultivate clarity and focus, harness the inner observance of "tapas" or heat, and elevate your energy for the day. Detox stagnant energy with Kapalabhati pranayama, cleanse the body with twists, and challenge gravity with Parsva Bakasana - side crow. Wind down with hip opening to ground and integrate your effort.

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